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Not Anything New

What’s the good word? I sign up for these emails from Thom Rainer. He’s one of the guys who wrote the book “Simple Church.” This book really shaped the way I look at church. It helped me to live into the saying, “Just because we can do everything, doesn’t mean we should.” His most recent email was about the most common factor in declining churches. It peaked my interest. I have been in the ministry for 9 years now and every time I hear and see the same thing. “Here’s a chart showing our worship attendance…” and the line is usually going down. So, what’s the main reason for decline (this is for all churches, not necessarily the ones I hear about at assemblies)?

Stated simply, the most common factor in declining churches is an inward focus. The ministries are for the members. The budget is used mainly for meeting the needs of members. Conflict happens when members don’t get their way. Well, you get the point.

This not necessarily earth shattering, nor is it new. But if that’s the case, and if we know this, why aren’t we doing anything about it? What changed the trajectory of Messiah to become a fast growing congregation? I feel it was when we shifted our focus outward. That first Sunday when we cancelled “church” and went out into our community to be the church started a snowball effect. We then began to shift focus globally, and still we grew. It is true. I believe this is what folks are looking for in a congregation, one that focuses outwardly.

Thom Rainer said there are warning signs:

  • There are very few attempts to minister to those in the community.
  • Church business meetings become arguments over preferences and desires.
  • Numbers of members in the congregation are openly critical of the pastor, other church staff, and lay leaders in the church.
  • Any change necessary to become a Great Commission church is met with anger and resistance.
  • The past becomes the hero.
  • Culture is seen as the enemy instead of an opportunity for believers to become salt and light.
  • Pastors and other leaders in the church become discouraged and withdraw from effective leadership.
  • If the churches are a part of a denomination or similar affiliation, meetings of those denominations mirror the churches in lost focus and divisiveness

So if this continues year after year, what will we as a church do about it beside talking about how we need to change the course of our declining numbers? And that’s the good word for today.


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